Hi Alan,

I haven't seen your emails either.

This scenerio happens to me all the time. 
I'm a little relieved to hear I'm not the only one. A gal can get a complex,
you know!

> dear all,
> i'm having problems ("strange" i hear you say, "for 'tis most  
> unlike young bownman to have problems, most unlike him at all.")
> i didn't know you were all from the west country! (oi jezt park moi  
> tra'err ere woil oi smoke thizere paarznep"
> anywayhowroad, twould seem that if i post to the list things don't  
> arrive-  ahs anyone seen an email from me in the last day or two,  
> about Alison Knowles?
> If so, 'oh'
> if not i shakll repost, from here at work.
> now let's see if this gets through.
> I even had a word with 'DAD' and he said
>  "No, young fellow-me-lad, we have had no bounces from the ol'  
> bowman direction. We checked in the spam folder, the pek chopped  
> pork folder and the princes luncheon meat folder, but found  
> nothing.  mind we had a jolly good beano. Try again old boy, try  
> again.  Oh and by the way, try and make your mind up about whether  
> you're going to use capital letters or not!"
> to repost or not to repost that is the thingy.
> alan

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