On Wed, Dec 12, 2001 at 03:12:50PM -0500, mike ledoux wrote:
> > Just remember that anything that can be automatically done, can be 
> > automatically "un-done".  That's like locking the door but leaving the key 
> > under the mat.
> I don't believe that is true in this case.  For GPG to encrypt to a key,
> it only needs the public key; to decrypt it needs both the private key
> and the passphrase.  As long as the machine doing the encrypting doesn't
> have a copy of the private key, it should be quite difficult for someone
> to automatically undo the encryption.

I interpreted this original response along the lines of, "Note that you
can automate the encrypting process, but someone else might come along,
and either remove it, or save originals someplace else.."


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