At 12:12 PM 12/12/2001, mike ledoux wrote:
> > Just remember that anything that can be automatically done, can be
> > automatically "un-done".  That's like locking the door but leaving the key
> > under the mat.
>I don't believe that is true in this case.  For GPG to encrypt to a key,
>it only needs the public key; to decrypt it needs both the private key
>and the passphrase.  As long as the machine doing the encrypting doesn't
>have a copy of the private key, it should be quite difficult for someone
>to automatically undo the encryption.
>If he were using symmetric encryption, then I'd agree with you.

I seem to have typed before I thought and really didn't respond 
appropriately to that particular question.  In other words, it didn't come 
out right.   :)

I've consulted on a number of e-commerce projects where developers were 
under the impression that by encrypting things like credit card numbers and 
then storing those encrypted values in the database of choice, that somehow 
made that information secure.

What they failed to appreciate was the fact that they had a function that, 
when called, went out and retrieved that encrypted data from the database, 
un-encrypted it, and then sent it off to the credit card processing service.

The key point was that you didn't have to crack the encrypted data, you 
just had to call the function that did it for you; all required keys and 
passphrases were included within that function.  So, if the box was hacked, 
they'd have given up all those CC numbers.  In this case they had indeed 
locked the door but left the key under the mat.

So, if I were to re-state my previous statement, I'd have to say that as 
far as data security is concerned, it is important to look at the entire 
system as a whole to see how secure the data is... don't just concentrate 
on one small part of it and lose sight of the rest.



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