> Suggestions like restricting access to /proc were named, but there
> were few suggestions on how to properly implement this.

A Linux kernel module is the best way to go if you want to
be able to hide only specific processes.  If you prefer to
have more of a 'you can only see your own processes' then
you can do this as a kernel patch instead that isn't dynamic.

LIDS does selective process hiding, as do many rootkit
kernel modules (although they are more often hard-coded
and not as dynamic as LIDS and friends.)

I'd provide more direct pointers to available software,
but can't think at the moment.  Too too damned hot here.

> Does hiding process give a false sense of security? Is it worth the
> effort? What problems can one run into by for example restricting
> access to /proc? Are there better ways to hide process information
> from users?

I love to hide processes, especially on honeypots.  Another good
candidate is any log analysis/monitoring software.  It doesn't add
security, but it may make any malicous user who has gained access
less stealthy if they think no one is watching them.

Another good case would be for file integrity tools, to keep them
from noticing which ones are in use.  Say you have tripwire installed
in a default location and obviously run out of cron.  Leave that for
the cracker to edit/disable.  But secretly have a daemon running that
is hidden, and all it does in periodically (like cron - in fact you
could copy /usr/sbin/cron) run the AIDE file integrity tool, which
is stored in a very non-standard location with unrecognizable file names.

No, it doesn't add security, but it does add secrecy, and that may
help you keep the bad guys off guard.

Brian Hatch                  "Well, who wants to live forever?"
   Systems and               "I do, actually. But what the hell."
   Security Engineer

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