On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 05:29:32PM +0100, Jos Kirps|EducDesign wrote:
> I would like to set up a Linux based file server accessible for Linux,
> Windows and Mac clients. The administration shall be done remotely
> (web based GUI on a client machine) using Perl scripts. The Perl
> scripts must be able to:
> - add and remove directories on the server (that's not the problem)
> - add and remove users (username & password -> problem)
> - set access rights for the created directories (-> also a problem)

There are several free and several commercial products which do these
things. Try to avoid re-inventing the wheel if you can.

> - To add users that shall be able to access the fileserver, do I have to
> create 'real' unix user accounts, or can I use something like the
> '.htaccess' users as used by Apache (users in .htaccess files can
> only access web directories via Apache, they don't have any other
> rights on the server). I would prefer such a solution to limit what
> people with a fileserver account can do on the server.

web_dav and .htaccess mechanisms can be used to give per-user access to
files hosted on a web server.

> - How can I tell my Linux box that only certain users shall have
> access to a certain directory? Can I do this using something
> similar to '.htaccess' / '.htpasswd' ? Or what services do I have
> to use?

If your users have actual accounts, you'll need to use either an ACLs
patch to your kernel, or use standard UNIX permissions. Check out
/etc/groups for an idea of what is involved.

"In God we trust, all others we monitor."
 -- NSA, Intercept Operators's motto, 1970

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