Nah mempelajari seismic geomorphology jangan hanya "terkesima" dengan bentuk channel serta sungai yg berkelok-kelok saja. Banyak sekali bentuk bangun geometri yang ada di alam ini mulai dari kerucut gunung api, lembaran, dll.

Nah, kalau yg terlampir ini bentuk apa ?

"see more and you know more"

From: "Paulus Tangke Allo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [fogri] geomorphology.....
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2004 01:20:29 +0800

pak posamentier ikutan nimbrung soal geomorphology....

semoga semakin jelas.


------- From "Posamentier, Henry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date Saturday, December 4, 2004 0:43 am

Thanks for your questions. I will try to answer them. Firstly, the
definition of seismic geomorphology. Seismic geomorphology may be
defined as the study of landforms (both subaerial as well as
subaqueous) using seismic data (usually 3D data). As for the difference
between seismic geomorphology and the conventional; way of interpreting
seismic sections, I should stress that seismic geomorphology puts a
heavy emphasis on plan view images. Using such images, landforms can be
identified and interpreted from the standpoint of facies prediction,
reservoir compartmentalization and stratigraphic trapping
possibilities. This approach is not necessarily different from the
conventional approach, it just requires an additional set of skills
(i.e., an appreciation and understanding of the lithologic significance
of various landforms) and causes the interpreter to ask different
questions of the data. It necessarily requires that techniques of
visualization and interpretation geared to identifying sometimes subtle
landforms be learned and employed. There are many techniques ranging
from simple horizon illumination to horizon amplitude extraction to
interval attribute analyses of various kinds to coherence to surface
attribute analyses including dip magnitude, dip azimuth, roughness, and
curvature, to co-rendering of different attributes, to isochron (time
thickness) map interpretation, to analyses of different attribute
volumes (near traces, far traces, etc.). The list of different
techniques that one can employ towards an understanding of
geomorphology and ultimately lithology prediction is almost endless. At
the end of the day, a good intyerpreter will integrate analyses of plan
view images (seismic geomorphology) with analyses of section view
images (seismic stratigraphy) to come up with the best interpretation.

As for the history of "seismic geomorphology", I first introduced the
concept in a paper I presented at the AAPG annual convention in 2000. I
have subsequently written several papers about sesimic geomorphology
and its applications. This February I will be a co-convenor of a
research conference specifically focusing on Seismic Geomorphology to
be held in Houston, sponsored by the Geological Society of London and
SEPM. In June I will be chairing a session a session at the annual AAPG
conference focused untirely on seismic geomorphology.

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