We at IPP Romania we asked this a few years ago and had like more the 50% rate 
of response. Some were raw data like xls files while some others where combed 
to remove embarrasing meetings/activities. We did that on a lobby status report 
in the country probing their contacts with busnisses. 

As far as I remember we sue the others but with so much luck as for us the law 
states that uou have to have that info produced or detained by your institution 
and we were not able to produce evidence against the position of cabinet 
members that there is nobody doind that schedule on paper. Stupid but the judge 
buy it. I jave to admit some of those sued sended the info just when they were 

The fight is mainly to hide lobby activities on them and pure political work 
rather than ministerial. 
Also take in mind that at least for us the dignitaries bear that capacity not 9 
to 5 as regular covil servants but 24/7 :)

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On 15.05.2013, at 14:57, PC DIP <dip.dyskusy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear All,
> As the Non-Governmental Centre on Access to Public Information we run
> a number of cases linked to access to information of calendars of
> members of cabinet in the Polish government. Some of Ministers refused
> to publish any schedule/calendar/data on their work/meetings. We will
> go to courts with them. How it is in your countries? Are the calendars
> of Ministers published, accessible? We would be thankful for your
> remarks, this knowledge would be helpful in our activities in Poland.
> Those of you who are interested in the activities of watchdog
> organizations in Central and Eastern Europe, please have a look on
> webpage of our Watchdog Program: http://watchdog.org.pl/25,dz.html.
> You will find there, among others, monthly reports on watchdog
> activities in CEE countries and many other information on access to
> information and watchdoging in Poland
> (http://watchdog.org.pl/110,polish_watchdogs.html).
> Best regards,
> Szymon Osowski
> Citizenship Network - Watchdog Poland
> The Non-Governmental Centre on Access to Public Information
> http://informacjapubliczna.org.pl/19,english.html
> http://watchdog.org.pl/25,dz.html
> ul. Ursynowska 22/2, PL 02-605 Warsaw, Poland
> +48 22 844 73 55, d...@lgo.pl

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