On Nov 25, 2007, at 4:18 PM, Dan Amelang wrote:

canvas stuff was created initially to support some jolt+javascript
work that needed graphical capabilities. I wouldn't try to infer
anything profound from its existence/implementation.

Other than it's an indication of the direction in which the UI work must move. I like the Typeface stuff in there a lot. I think the Shape stuff is reasonably good, but I'd be happier if Points, Rectangles and Polygons were unified. I hate the proliferation of view types -- there should only be two kinds of view. I really hate the proliferation of instance variables -- everything should be (dynamic) properties hung off instances of one of the two general view types. I hate the special case handling of text layout -- everything should be made of relationships between and constraints acting on boxes and springs, like in TeX (and maybe we should even be using Knuth's algorithms directly).

I'd love someone who is much better than me at math to think seriously about how geometric algebra might be exploited in (or even subsume) all the transform stuff in there.


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