"Kjell Godo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So what you're saying is that the idc which is written in C
> compiles C like code into machine code?

idc is written in Pepsi.  You may be confused because the bootstrap
.o.c files are included in the SVN checkout, at least until idc
targets Coke instead of C.

> And then that machine code compiles Smalltalk like idst/Pepsi
> into machine code?

No, GCC compiles the C code (until bootstrap).

> The idst/Pepsi compiles itself into machine
> code.  And this bootstrapping happens over and over again and
> not just once or twice in a year.

"The bootstrapping" is when Pepsi and Jolt are unified into Coke, and
that need only happen once.

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