
Am 25.08.2008 um 01:18 schrieb Kjell Godo:
So being without tools is better than being with tools because that increases portability not to be dependent on anything. But I miss the Squeak debugger. What debugger do you use for fonc? [...]

I think one cannot overemphasise that this is a project in progress. In other words, it's not completed. In yet other words, there are things one might deem important missing all over the place because the crucial core is being developed first.

Have you taken a look at the NSF grant document available from vpri.org, and at the various other sources of documentation on the COLA architecture and philosophy?

Frankly, I don't get your point. What was it again?



Dr.-Ing. Michael Haupt                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Architecture Group           Phone:  ++49 (0) 331-5509-542
Hasso Plattner Institute for          Fax:    ++49 (0) 331-5509-229
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