Towards the end, it seems like you also suffer from some hand-waviness.

Perhaps you could flesh out the hand wavy portions in some future posts.

In particular, I would focus on how to transitively handle messages.  For
example, a common error I see by some academics who are overly zealous about
functional programming and Hindley-Milner type systems is that they believe
if an actor cannot handle a message directly, then we cannot say anything
meaningful about the return type of the reply.  This is not true, of course,
it is simply that we need a way to model the union of all reply

Stuff like partial failure is hard to do elegantly, but does not excuse
hand-wavy explanations.

Looking forward to your future blogging!


On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 10:58 PM, Dale Schumacher <
> wrote:

> Published:
> "Actors in Clojure — Why Not?" (
> This article provides a counterpoint to Rich Hickey's rationale for
> not including actor-based concurrency in Clojure.
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