On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 11:09 PM, Paul D. Fernhout
<pdfernh...@kurtz-fernhout.com> wrote:
> Yes, there are similarities, you are right. I'm not familiar in detail
> because I have not used Chrome or looked at the code, but to my
> understanding Chrome does each tab as a separate process. And typically (not
> being an expert on Chrome) that process would run a rendering engine (or
> maybe not?), JavaScript (presumably?), and/or whatever downloaded plugins
> are relevant to that page (certainly?).

Yes, each tab is roughly a separate process (real algorithm is more
complicated, as the wikipedia article says). rendering and JS are in
the same process, but plugins run in separate sandboxed processes.

C++ is a significant security concern; and it is reasonable to want a
browser written in a memory-safe language.

Unfortunately, web browsers are large, extremely
performance-sensitive, legacy applications. All of the major browsers
are written in some combination of  C, C++, and Objective-C (and
undoubtedly assembly in isolated areas like the JITs), and it's
unclear if one can reasonably hope to see a web browser written from
scratch in a new language to ever hope to render the majority of the
current web correctly; the effort may simply be too large. I was not
aware of Lobo; it looks interesting but currently idle, and is a fine
example of this problem.

I continue to hope, but I may be unreasonable :)

-- Dirk

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