On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Paul D. Fernhout
<pdfernh...@kurtz-fernhout.com> wrote:
> It's totally stupid to use JavaScript as a VM for "world peace" since it
> would be a lot better if every web page ran in its own well-designed VM and
> you could create content that just compiled to the VM, and the VMs had some
> sensible and secure way to talk to each other and respect each other's
> security zones in an intrinsically and mutually secure way. :-)
>  "Stating the 'bleeding' obvious (security is cultural)"
>  http://groups.google.com/group/diaspora-dev/msg/17cf35b6ca8aeb00

You are describing something that is not far from Chrome's actual
design. It appears that the other browser vendors are moving in
similar directions. Are you familiar with it? Do you care to elaborate
(off-list, if you like) on what the differences between what Chrome
does and what you'd like are (apart from the JavaScript VM being not
particularly designed for anything other than JavaScript)?

-- Dirk

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