I think this one was derived from Phil Abrams' Stanford (and SLAC) PhD thesis 
dynamic analysis and optimization of APL -- a very nice piece of work! (Maybe 
the early 70s or late 60s?)



From: David Pennell <pennell.da...@gmail.com>
To: Fundamentals of New Computing <fonc@vpri.org>
Sent: Sun, June 5, 2011 7:33:40 PM
Subject: Re: Terseness, precedence, deprogramming (was Re: [fonc] languages)

HP had a version of APL in the early 80's that included "structured" 
statements and where performance didn't depend on cramming your entire program 
into one line of code.  Between the two, it was possible to create reasonably 
readable code.  That version of APl also did some clever performance 
optimizations by manipulating array descriptors instead just using brute force.

APL was the first language other than Fortran that I learned - very eye opening.


On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 9:13 PM, Alan Kay <alan.n...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi David
>I've always been very fond of APL also -- and a slightly better and more 
>readable syntax could be devised these days now that things don't have to be 
>squeezed onto an IBM Selectric golfball ...
 From: David Leibs <david.le...@oracle.com>
>To: Fundamentals of New Computing <fonc@vpri.org>
>Sent: Sun, June 5, 2011 7:06:55 PM
>Subject: Re:  Terseness, precedence, deprogramming (was Re: [fonc] languages)
>I love APL!  Learning APL is really all about learning the idioms and how to 
>apply them.  This takes quite a lot of training time.   Doing this kind of 
>training will change the way you think.  
>Alan Perlis quote:  "A language that doesn't affect the way you think about 
>programming, is not worth knowing."
>There is some old analysis out there that indicates  that APL is naturally 
>parallel.  Willhoft-1991 claimed that  94 of the 101 primitives operations in 
>APL2 could be implemented in parallel and that 40-50% of APL code in real 
>applications was naturally parallel. 
>R. G. Willhoft, Parallel expression in the apl2 language, IBM Syst. J. 30 
>(1991), no. 4, 498–512.
>-David Leibs
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