On 6/5/2011 11:03 PM, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 8:35 PM, BGB <cr88...@gmail.com <mailto:cr88...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I would personally like to see an IDE which was:
    more-or-less language neutral, to what extent this was practical
    (more like traditional standalone editors);
    not tied to or hard-coded for particular tools or build
    configurations (nearly everything would be "actions" tied to
    high-level scripts, which would be customizable per-project, and
    ideally in a readily human-editable form);
    not being tied to a particular operating system;

This is Eclipse. Granted, it's an IDE which is designed-by-committee and hard to love, but it answers all of your requirements.

I don't believe Eclipse is it, exactly...
it handles multiple languages, yes, and can be used with multiple operating systems, and supports multiple compiler backends, ...

however, AFAIK, pretty much all of the logic is written in Java-based plugins, which is not ideal (and so, essentially the logic is tied to Eclipse itself, and not to the individual projects).

I was imagining something a little different here, such as the project control files being more like Makefiles or Bash-scripts, and so would be plain-text and attached to the project (along with the source files), where it is possible to control things much more precisely per-project. more precisely, I had imagined essentially a hybrid of Makefiles and Bash.

also imagined was the possibility of using JavaScript (or similar) as the build-control language, just using JS in a manner similar to Make+Bash, likely with some special-purpose API functionality (to make it more usable for Make-like purposes).

a difficulty with JS though is that, normally, IDEs like things to be fairly declarative, and JS code its not declarative, unless the JS is split into multiple parts: info about the project proper is stored in a JSON-based format, and then any build logic is JS files attached to the project.

so, the IDE would mostly just manage files and editors, and invoke the appropriate scripts as needed, and many IDE actions essentially just call functions, and so one causes something to happen by replacing the default action functions (such as in a script loaded by the project file).

actually, conceptually I like the JS route more, even if it would likely be a little more verbose than a Bash-like syntax.

IMO, the next best alternative is SciTE, so what I was imagining would be a more "expanded" version of SciTE.

then there is also CMake, ...

there is also SCons, which is conceptually related to the prior idea, but it based on Python.

but, for the most part, I have mostly just ended up sticking with good old text editors and makefiles, as these have served me well, despite their drawbacks (the cost of switching to an alternative strategy likely being somewhat higher than that of doing nothing and staying with the present strategy). IOW, the "if it aint broke, don't fix it" strategy...

or such...

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