On 6/11/2011 6:59 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:
On 11/06/2011, at 3:40 PM, BGB wrote:

this is also partly where dynamic script loading and eval can be nifty...

say, one is using an app, and then in the console they type in a command, say:

and can quickly edit the file, hit the uparrow in the console to re-enter the 
prior command, and observe the results.
Yes, but this method of programming sucks, severely. This is why I am 
wholeheartedly happy that FoNC are on the case. Unfortunately I don't know of 
any other group of people who have both the insight and capability to do this 

yes, but reloading as the app runs, is still better convenience-wise than its main alternative:
go over to Bash or CMD;
hit up-arrow, which re-summons a command like, say, "make -f Makefile.msvc";
wait for several minutes (as the C or C++ compiler rebuilds everything, doing a big recursive makefile walk), maybe go and use bathroom or get coffee;
start up app, and test whatever changes were made;
edit source files some more;

the main advantage is that, often, the in-program "load" command may only take maybe a matter of milliseconds, or a few seconds for a large mess of scripts, and so is a good deal faster, and doesn't require exiting/restarting the app, but as a drawback, does not cover statically-built parts of the app.

the analogy would be doing a page-load in FireFox, vs going and exiting and rebuilding FireFox, to update the page...

also, one can type commands interactively into the console, but the downside of this is that it is not nearly as effective (the console isn't very good for entering large/complex fragments), as well as generally anything entered into the console is forgotten when the app exits/reloads.

"auto-reload on save" could also make sense...

for example, in my 3D engine, it is possible to dynamically alter the map geometry as the program is being run (this is how my mapper works), however, the "trick" is that the world representation is not itself nearly so dynamic, and in-fact, most of the "dynamic" aspects can be attributed to me using a very "quick and dirty" strategy to rebuilt the BSP tree (some years back, I had observed that QuickSort could be used as the basis of an O(n log2 n) BSP-rebuild algorithm, vs a more traditional O(n^3) or so BSP algorithm...).

a sufficiently fast dynamic compiler could recompile and relink the code whenever the user makes changes, and then saves them...

I actually originally intended something like this with my "dynamic C compiler" project, but discovered that my C compiler was far too slow and buggy with this, and often attempting something like this was more liable to blow up in ones' face than work correctly (there are many ugly issues with hot-patching running C code).

I later concluded that C was not really the ideal sort of language for this sort of thing.

a partial compromise could be a "fast reload" key, where one hits a key to cause the VM to automatically reload any loaded scripts (without having to re-enter a console command). the downside is that one would have to keep track of any loaded modules as to force-reload them.


either way, it is better than a full rebuild with "make", since this generally requires fully exiting and restarting the program as well, in addition to any delays related to rebuilding.

Decades later and the Smalltalk and Self systems are STILL some of the easiest environments to 
discover the intention of programmers, and to create new models and expressions in code. Almost 
needless to say is that even though this is the case, these systems are severely lacking. Who am I 
to judge, that I have produced nothing that "doesn't suck"? I'm at present simply someone 
who is calling it how I see it. All development begins with the awareness of a "lack". 
;-) A real need in the beholder.

image-based systems have their own sets of drawbacks though...

dynamic reload could be a "good enough" compromise IMO, if done well...

or such...

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