On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 4:31 AM, BGB <cr88...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  On 1/16/2012 6:47 PM, Casey Ransberger wrote:
> Top post. Heightmapping can go a really long way. Probably not news
> though:)
> I am still not certain, since a lot of this has a lot more to do with my
> own project than with general issues in computing.
> I had messed with a few technologies already.
> height-maps (long ago, not much used since then, generally randomized).
> the issue was mostly one of being "not terribly interesting", but it makes
> sense if one wants terrain (and is "fairly cheap" in terms of memory use
> and performance impact).
> a more advanced variety would be to combine a height-map with a tile-map,
> where the terrain generator would also vary the texture-map to give a
> little more interest. I have considered this as a possibility.
> also tried randomly generated voxel terrain (similar to Minecraft, using
> perlin noise). issues were of being difficult to integrate well with my
> existing technology, and being very expensive in terms of both rendering
> and memory usage (particularly for storing intermediate meshes). one may
> need to devote about 500MB-1GB of RAM to the problem to have a moderately
> sized world with (with similar specifics to those in Minecraft).
> I suspect that, apart from making something like Minecraft, the technology
> is a bit too expensive and limited to really be all that "generally useful"
> at this point in time and on current hardware (I suspect, however, it will
> probably be much more relevant on future HW).
> I also tried randomly generated grid-based areas (basically, stuff is
> built from pre-made parts and randomly-chosen parts are put on a grid). I
> had also tried combining this with maze-generation algorithms. the results
> were "functional" but also "nothing to get excited about". the big drawback
> was that I couldn't really think of any way to make the results of such a
> grid based generator "particularly interesting" (this is I think more so
> with a first-person viewpoint: such a structure is far less visually
> interesting from the inside than with a top-down or isometric view).
> it could work if one were sufficiently desperate, but I doubt it would be
> able to hold interest of players for all that long absent "something else
> of redeeming value".
> the "main maps" in my case mostly use a Quake/Doom3/... style maps,
> composed mostly of entities (defined in terms of collections of key/value
> pairs representing a given object), "brushes" (convex polyhedra), "patches"
> (Bezier Surfaces), and "meshes" (mostly unstructured polygonal meshes).
> these would generally be created manually, by placing every object and
> piece of geometry visible in the world, but this is fairly
> effort-intensive, and simply running head first into it tends to quickly
> drain my motivation (resulting in me producing worlds which look like "big
> boxes with some random crap in them").
> sadly, random generation not on a grid of some sort is a much more complex
> problem (nor random generation directly in terms of unstructured or
> loosely-structured geometry).
> fractals exist and work well on things like rocks or trees or terrain, but
> I haven't found a good way to apply them to "general" map generation
> problem (such as generating an interesting place to run around in and
> battle enemies, and get to the exit).
> the "problem domain" is potentially best suited to some sort of maze
> algorithm, but in my own tests, this fairly quickly stopped being all that
> interesting. the "upper end" I think for this sort of thing was likely the
> .Hack series games (which had a lot of apparently randomly generated
> dungeons).
> it is sad that I can't seem to pull off maps even half as interesting as
> those (generally created by hand) in commercial games from well over a
> decade ago. I can have a 3D engine which is technically much more advanced
> (or, at least, runs considerably slower on much faster hardware with
> moderately more features), but apart from reusing maps made by other people
> for other games, I can't make it even a small amount nearly as
> "interesting" or "inspiring".

I don't think you can do this project without a understanding of art. It's
a fine gridded mesh that make us pick between practically similar artifacts
with ease and that make the engineer baffled. From a engineering standpoint
there is not much difference between a random splash of paint and a
painting by Jackson Pollock. You can get far with surprisingly little
resources if done correctly.


>  On Jan 16, 2012, at 8:45 AM, David Barbour <dmbarb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>   Consider offloading some of your creativity burden onto your computer.
> The idea is:
>    It's easier to recognize and refine something interesting than to
> create it.
>  So turn it into a search, recognition, and refinement problem, and
> automate creation. There are various techniques, which certainly can be
> combined:
>  * constraint programming
> * generative grammar programming
>  * genetic programming
>  * seeded fractals
>  You might be surprised about how much of a world can be easily written
> with code rather than mapping. A map can be simplified by marking regions
> up with code and using libraries of procedures. Code can sometimes be
> simplified by having it read a simple map or image.
>  Remember, the basic role of programming is to automate that which bores
> you.
>  Regards,
>  Dave
> On Sun, Jan 15, 2012 at 4:18 PM, BGB <cr88...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am generally personally stuck on the issue of how to make "interesting"
>> 3D worlds for a game-style project while lacking in both personal
>> creativity and either artistic skill or a team of artists to do it
>> (creating decent-looking 3D worlds generally requires a fair amount of
>> effort, and is in-fact I suspect somewhat bigger than the effort required
>> to make a "passable" 3D model of an object in a 3D modeling app, since at
>> least generally the model is smaller and well-defined).
>> it seems some that creativity (or what little of it exists) is stifled by
>> it requiring a large amount of effort (all at once) for the activity needed
>> to express said creativity (vs things which are either easy to do all at
>> once, or can be easily decomposed into lots of incremental activities
>> spread over a large period of time).
>> trying to build a non-trivial scene (something which would be "passable"
>> in a modern 3D game) at the level of dragging around and
>> placing/resizing/... cubes and/or messing with individual polygon-faces in
>> a mapper-tool is sort of a motivation killer (one can wish for some sort of
>> "higher level" way to express the scene).
>> meanwhile, writing code, despite (in the grand scale) requiring far more
>> time and effort, seems to be a lot more enjoyable (but, one can't really
>> build a world in code, as this is more the mapper-tool's domain).
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