Hi All,

I'm quite interested in knowing what the VPRI list people think about the 
Kernel programming language with respect to McCarthy's work. By the way, if 
you're not familiar with LISP, Maru & Kernel, please don't comment.

In the recent months, I've done SO MUCH reading and learning... I've finally 
gone through and taken a look at LISP after skirting it for decades. I honestly 
can't believe I've missed that language in my life as a programmer - it's 
PHENOMENAL, anyway I digress. This has let me understand the Maru work 
obviously with much more clarity than before (which previously was more like 
wading through mud in the dark).

I did notice, as I learned more and more Common LISP, that there are some 
deficiencies in purity and homogeneousness... (ie for example special 
operators) and this brings me to Kernel...

Kernel purports to be the perfect tool in terms of purity, and yet so much of 
it is unapproachable. I hesitate to criticise someone who is without doubt far 
more intelligent than myself, but I find a lot of the creator's writing 
incredible difficult to understand. It seems to be something to do with 
adhering (or lack thereof) to a standardised nomenclature within its own 
parameters, but I could be completely wrong here. 

Perhaps it's just that the nomenclature of the creators of languages such as 
this presuppose so much understanding. It seems that it's not being written to 
be approachable by anyone with the required intellectual development, but 
rather to be approachable to anyone who has absorbed years upon years of 
computer science "cruft" - ie someone who has a doctorate in computer science.

Also, simply, what are the "semantic inadequacies" of LISP that the "Maru 
paper" refers to (http://piumarta.com/freeco11/freeco11-piumarta-oecm.pdf)? I 
read the footnoted article (The Influence of the Designer on the Design—J. 
McCarthy and Lisp), but it didn't elucidate things very much for me.

It seems, on a whole, that Common LISP isn't particularly uniform with respect 
to special operators and macros, and Kernel seeks to address that. However, it 
seems that Maru has a smaller "kernel" than Kernel itself does while achieving 
what Kernel attempts to do with a much more pragmatic approach. Am I missing 
things here? I'm not attempting to detract from Kernel: it seems a master work 
by any standard!

I have to say that all of these papers and works are making me feel like a 3 
year old making his first steps into understanding about the world. I guess I 
must be learning, because this is the feeling I've always had when I've been 
growing, yet I don't feel like I have any semblance of a grasp on any part of 
it, really... which bothers me a lot.

Thanks for your thoughts,
fonc mailing list

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