I recommend to read as well "Reflections on Scala Days 2012" by Erik Bakker:

Note that there were 4 parallel sessions, so the picture is still far from 

Martin Odersky built Sun's Java compiler javac, version 1.3; thereafter he 
created Scala. Martin has gathered other excellent compiler specialists in 
Lausanne, such as Paul Phillips and Eugene Burmako. They are now finishing 
project Kepler = compile-time metaprogramming = support for macro's; this 
yields the power of DotNet's Linq. 


I was very happy to see and hear that Eugene plans to take "my" DSL for the 
Algebra of Communicating Processes as a use case for the macro's. (see sheet 14 

IMO ACP is a kind of Maxwell theory of processes. It has extensions for time, 
space and money. See:

Real time process algebra

Real space process algebra

Parallel Processes with Implicit Computational Capital 

Efficient Production Process Algebra

Op 20 apr. 2012, om 21:38 heeft John Nilsson het volgende geschreven:
> Thanks for summary. I've been looking forward to see what's happening in the 
> Scala world.
> Btw. For the lurkers of this list who hasn't checked out Scala yet, do have 
> look. The parser combinators in the standard library is more or less an OMeta 
> implementation. Combined with Kojo for editing it should provide an 
> environment very much suited for experimenting with the ideas on this list.
> BR, 
> John
> Den 20 apr 2012 16:59 skrev "Andre van Delft" <andre.vande...@gmail.com>:
> Indeed I missed the link to the video of the 12 year old Shadaj Laddad.
> Here is it as yet:
> http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/scala/making-games-and-solving-puzzles-in-scala
> Overview of the video's is here:
> http://skillsmatter.com/event/scala/scala-days-2012 
> Still many video's are not online. 
> Anne Veling had a talk that got the most enthusiast tweets; it is not yet on 
> the list.
> Simon Peyton-Jones (Microsoft Research) started his keynote with the 
> manifesto for teaching computer science in the 21st century, that was 
> launched two weeks earlier in the UK. He said that current ICT education 
> comes down to teaching Microsoft Office. I have observed the same with my two 
> children, in the Netherlands. French and German attendees of Scala Days told 
> me that ICT education in their country is like that.
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/education/itforschools
> On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 4:09 PM, John Nilsson <j...@milsson.nu> wrote:
> I think one of the video links are wrong, should they both be the same? 
> BR, 
> John
> Den 20 apr 2012 01:57 skrev "Andre van Delft" <andre.vande...@gmail.com>:
> Scala Days 2012 was held this week in London; 400 passionate developers; many 
> presentations on DSLs, parallelism, concurrency, FP, compiler technology and 
> much other stuff. http://days2012.scala-lang.org/ Enthusiastic tweets: 
> https://twitter.com/search/scaladays
> The keynotes were by Guy Steele, Simon Peyton-Jones, Anthony Rose 
> (http://zeebox.com/) and Martin Odersky; I warmly recommend these, but right 
> now the videos are not yet online.
> Twelve year old Shadaj Laddad had an awesome talk; he is a real good 
> programmer, and maybe even better teacher. The video is here: 
> http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/scala/subscript-extending-scala-with-the-algebra-of-communicating-processes
> I presented my language extension based on the Algebra of Communicating 
> Processes; I have mentioned this theory a couple of times here the Fonc list. 
> ACP may be viewed as extending Boolean Algebra with actions, and from there 
> parallelism and communication. With some syntactic sugar added, it has much 
> of the power of BNF, CCS, Linda, pipes in Unix command shell. Implementation 
> as a language extension turns out to be fairly easy. I think ACP deserves 
> much more attention than it currently gets; it might IMO become as important 
> as the object-oriented and functional paradigms. 
> The video of my talk is here:
> http://skillsmatter.com/podcast/scala/subscript-extending-scala-with-the-algebra-of-communicating-processes
> The sheets and accompanying paper are at 
> http://code.google.com/p/subscript/downloads/list
> André

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