On 7/19/2012 7:32 AM, Eugen Leitl wrote:
On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 02:28:18PM +0200, John Nilsson wrote:
More work relative to an approach where full specification and controll is
feasible. I was thinking that in a not to distant future we'll want to
build systems of such complexity that we need to let go of such dreams.

It could be enough with one system. How do you evolve a system that has
emerged from som initial condition directed by user input. Even with only
one instance of it running you might have no way to recreate it so you must
patch it, and given sufficient complexity you might have no way to know how
a binary diff should be created.
It seems a great idea for evolutionary computation (GA/GP) but an
awful idea for human engineering.

it comes back to the idea of total complexity vs perceived or external complexity: as the system gets larger and more complex, the level of abstraction tends to increase.

the person can still design and engineer a system, just typically working at a higher level of abstraction (and a fair amount of conceptual layering).

so, yeah, traditional engineering and development practices will probably continue on well into the foreseeable future.

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