Respectfully, go read Zhuan Falun and then comment on this thread.

On Dec 23, 2012, at 1:02 PM, BGB wrote:

> On 12/23/2012 11:25 AM, John Carlson wrote:
>> On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 12:37 AM, BGB <> wrote:
>> On 12/22/2012 9:11 PM, Julian Leviston wrote:
>>> I think you've missed the point.
>>> The point is... you need to use your body and your emotions as well as your 
>>> mind. Our society is overly focussed on the mind.
>> could be, fair enough...
>> The point is, if you don't use your body and emotions, they'll be sure to 
>> let you know.  Perhaps in 15 years or so.  Check out half-life of an IT 
>> worker, relevant post on /.: 
>>  ... The mind is co-dependent on the emotions and body, not independent.
> well, except I am already late 20s (will be 29 in a matter of days), and by 
> this point arguably already using "dated" technologies. (but, the usual 
> "catch up" is absurd, as most of these "new technologies" end up largely 
> forgotten in a few years anyways, while the older technologies remain in full 
> force...).
> IOW: mostly still using C, as Java is still lame, and C# still isn't very 
> good on non-Windows targets (as many of the advantages it has on Windows, 
> cease to exist on VM's like Mono). but, seriously, what is the point of 
> playing catch-up? or taking C# seriously as a tool for much more than 
> quick/dirty GUI apps and writing Paint.NET plugins and similar?...
> biggest thing I have written in C# thus far was a codec for a custom 
> JPEG-based image format (it is like JPEG but added more features, *1), and 
> mostly in the form of a Paint.NET plugin. in many ways, C# is much less 
> well-suited to this sort of thing than C is (for example, for the image 
> codec, I have both C and C# versions).
> *1: alpha-channels, expanded components (normal, luma, depth, ...), layers, 
> lossless encoding, some additional transforms and filters (can help improve 
> compression), ... basically, ended up bolting on some block-filters derived 
> from those in PNG as well, which can help compress things better when dealing 
> with certain types of images (flat colors and gradiants, or blocks containing 
> sharp edges). it is, however, not strictly backwards-compatible with existing 
> JPEG decoders (depending on which features are enabled). when the alternate 
> filters are enabled, it also uses a different entropy-coding / VLC scheme.
> now, back in time, my early/mid 20s were a time of strongish and more poorly 
> controlled emotions, and I put a lot of time and effort mostly in getting 
> things mostly under control (such that being upset about something need not 
> interfere with my external behavior or ability to complete tasks). (like, 
> say, if a person is upset about something, it interferes with them writing 
> code or working things, ...).
> after a while though, a person largely stops feeling upset about things. 
> granted, there is always a risk of them "coming back" in some more aggressive 
> form (or, occasionally, playing tricks, and bypassing its usual "sandbox"). 
> granted, there is still the issue of memory-retrieval, where emotions can 
> apparently interfere with the types of memories that are brought up (so, 
> emotions are sort of like a cat that keeps getting up on the keyboard when it 
> wants something, and one usually wants the cat to not be on the keyboard).
> sometimes it is necessary to "get involved" and try to stabilize them though, 
> because otherwise emotions can go into a sort of feedback loop, resulting in 
> adverse psychological and behavioral effects (often: conscious fragmentation, 
> *2, partial loss of sensory input, reduced ability to move, ...), but things 
> will usually return to normal once emotions burn themselves out and dissipate 
> (I think the last time this happened was ~ 5 years ago though).
> *2: this state is a bit complicated to describe. I am left to realize that I 
> don't really want to describe it, nor is it probably really topical here 
> anyways.
> as-is, lacking a job, I am mostly trying to "make it on my own", admittedly 
> without a whole lot of success thus far.
> as for the future, I don't really know...
>> John 
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