On 12/31/12 1:44 PM, Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
So, it was a meta-bug in that sense about an unexpected meaning shift when a number leaked beyond a boundary that was supposed to contain it.
I'm not sure what sort of automated systems could deal with that kind of unexpected semantic shift? Still, for that one case, probably one could come up with a way of defining symbols that could not leak across boundaries because of compiler checks or using public/private typed aspects of languages to do that (like for example even in Java where you had a public enum for error codes to return to user space, but a different private enum for internal state). In practice the C language the Linux kernel is written in may not make that easy to enforce programmatically though.
Yup. Add more opaque types in the kernel implementation so that a type conversion (to the POSIX semantics) _must_ occur. GCC recently converted to compiling itself in stricter C++ mode, and the world did not end. In spite of advice such as..


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