On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 01:07:55AM +0100, Loup Vaillant-David wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 01, 2013 at 11:18:29PM +0100, Ondřej Bílka wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 01, 2013 at 09:12:07PM +0100, Loup Vaillant-David wrote:
> > > 
> > >   void latin1_to_utf8(std::string & s);
> > > 
> > Let me guess. They do it to save cycles caused by allocation of new
> > string.
> > > instead of
> > > 
> > >   std::string utf8_of_latin1(std::string s)
> > > or
> > >   std::string utf8_of_latin1(const std::string & s)
> You may have guessed right.  But then, *they* guessed wrong.
I often se how people blindly use performance related suggestions. Here 
it was  that passing structure by reference is faster than by value. 
(which is now sometimes false.)
> First, the program in which I saw this conversion routine is dead slow
> anyway.  If they really cared about the performance of a few encoding
> conversion, they should have started by unifying string handling to
> begin with (there are 6 string types in the program, all actively
> used, and sometimes converted back and forth).
> Second, every time the conversion does actually do anything, the utf8
> string will be longer than the original one, and require a realloc()
> anyway (unless they wrote some very clever code, but the overall
> quality of their monstrosity makes it unlikely).
> Finally, I often needed to write this:
>   std::string temp = compute_text();
>   latin1_to_utf8(temp);
>   call_function(temp);
> Which does not reduce allocations in the slightest, compared to
>   call_function(utf8_of_latin1(compute_text()));
> My version may even be a bit more amenable to optimisation by the
> compiler. (In addition to be more readable, I dare say.)
> So, they *may* have made this move because they cared about
> performance.  A more likely explanation though, is that they simply
> thought "oh, I need to convert some strings to utf8", and
> transliterated that in C++.  They could have thought "oh, I need utf8
> versions of some strings" instead, but that would be functional
> thinking.
> Loup.
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