On 1/9/2013 11:53 AM, David Barbour wrote:

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 9:37 AM, John Carlson <yottz...@gmail.com <mailto:yottz...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I've been collecting references to game POLs on:

That's neat. I'll definitely peruse.


my own language may loosely fit in there, being mostly developed in conjunction with a 3D engine, and not particularly intended for general-purpose programming tasks...

like, beyond just ripping off JS and AS3 and similar, has some amount of specialized constructs mostly for 3D game related stuff (like vector-math and similar).

well, and some just plain obscure stuff, ...

BTW: recently (mostly over the past few days), I went and wrote a simplistic JIT for the thing (I have not otherwise had a working JIT for several years).

it turns out if one factors out most of the hard-parts in advance, writing a JIT isn't actually all that difficult (*1).

in my case it gave an approx 20x speedup, bringing it from around 60x slower than C with (plain C) threaded code, to around 3x slower than C, or at least for my selection-sort test and similar... (the recursive Fibonacci test is still fairly slow though, at around 240x slower than C). as-is, it mostly just directly compiles a few misc things, like arithmetic operators and variable loads/stores and similar, leaving most everything else as call-threaded code (where the ASM code mostly just directly calls C functions to carry out operations).

in the selection sort test, the goal is basically to sort an array using selection sort. for a 64k element array, this is currently about 15s for C, and around 49s for BS. with the interpreter, this operation takes takes a good number of minutes.

current JIT, 1.2 kloc;
rest of core interpreter, 18 kloc;
rest of script interpreter (parser, front-end bytecode compiler, ...), 32 kloc; VM runtime (dynamic typesystem, OO facilities, C FFI, ...) + assembler/linker + GC: 291 kloc;
entire project, 1.32 Mloc.

so, yes, vs 291 kloc (or 1.32 Mloc), 1.2 kloc looks pretty small.

language rankings in project (excluding tools) by total kloc:
C (1.32 Mloc), BGBScript (16.33 kloc), C++ (16.29 kloc).

there may be some amount more script-code embedded in data files or procedurally generated, but this is harder to measure.

or such...

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