Keith Packard wrote:
> Around 9 o'clock on Nov 20, Brian Stell wrote:
> > Here is a possible set of choices/fallbacks given a desired
> > font name and desired font encoding-registry or language group (1).
> >
> >  1) Name and encoding-registry / TT language group
> >     Best choice.
> Have you found the TT language group information to be useful in this
> environment?  I fear that far too many fonts will have misleading
> information in this field.  I suspect other operating systems ignore this
> field, which would cause it to be less than reliable.

I look at the ulUnicodeRange fields, which list the supported
"codepages", to get a language hint.
While this looks to be useful I do not have enough in-field use
to speak authoritatively either way.

> >  2) Name, encoding-*  (applies to X fonts only)
> >     Regroup fonts that were split apart from a larger font.
> Good thing I don't have to worry about this; I'm not interested in fonts
> artificially split apart for the convenience of the core protocol.

I thought Xft supported core X fonts.

> It appears that my plans for Xft have been anticipated by the Mozilla 
> team.  That's good to hear, I like to use methods already tried in other 
> environments instead of attempting to invent new ones.

I will be great to get this into a common library. It is a
big messy piece of code that all X apps could benefit from.

> While this may be true for X fonts in non-Unicode encodings,, I've found
> the list of glyphs available in TrueType fonts to vary greatly and
> randomly; there isn't any apparent rhyme or reason to what's provided.  I
> think this will make the selecting job harder.

I suspect that we will find a funny kind of self fullfilling 
prophecy here. 

 Font vendors supply the characters/glyphs they thing people
 will use.

 People build web pages using these fonts and find that 
 some characters do-not-work or look-bad (because they are
 not in the font) and thus avoid those characters.

Brian Stell
Fonts mailing list

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