>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Nov 21 17:41:56 2001

> That change also permits XFree86 to use PCF fonts from the client side so
> that we can use existing bitmap fonts from the client side.  While this
> may seem silly, it has the advantage of working efficiently with ISO 10646 
> encoded bitmap fonts which is significantly better for applications than 
> the hodge-podge of random legacy encodings necessary when using 
> server-side fonts.

In terms of bitmap fonts, one thing you may consider is to make it
scalable.  (You may mention this somewhere else, I don't remember
for sure.) Interpolated scaling can make the glyphs look like anti-aliased
outline font: at edges, the gray levels change gradually.  The
advantage of doing this is 'size' could no longer be a facter in your
matching criterior since all the fonts are scalable now.  Just like by
using Unicode, Xft has made encoding no longer a concern (at least for Xft

Thinking along this way, it is even possible automatically generating
glyphs in differet 'slant' and 'weight'.  Now the font handling is at
the client side, which opens the door to all these posibilities.  I don't
know how much overhead is going to be involved here though.  It doesn't seem
to be that much.  Just a thought.

>> Since I don't want to use embedded bitmap font and don't want the hinting,

>I can add configuration options for Xft that would turn on 
>FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING if you think this would be helpful; I wouldn't be 
>surprised if some fonts had broken hints.

Thanks, this certainly helps.

I found it might not be the font to be blamed.  For the same font,
different versions of FT2 show different results if hinting is turned on.
Also, with hinting on, the glyphs no longer look uniform and there are
noticable size change and shift.  Hinting may be good for
non-anti-aliased rendering.  Somehow, I think hinting and anti-aliasing
should not go together.  Again, I don't know much about hinting, all
the above observations are getting from playing FT2's 'ftview'.


Yao Zhang
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