On Mon, 26 Nov 2001, Andy Isaacson wrote:

> I think Mark's idea of snapping to 75 or 100 DPI is a good one, but I'd
> say that this should only be done if the delta is less than... 15%
> maybe.  Perhaps there should be standard values at 125 and 150 as well,
> since some systems are starting to come with higher-resolution LCDs.  I
> think even the Apple iBook has a fairly high-res display?

I thought (hoped?) that the scalable font renderers could cope with
unusual dot pitches. If not what is the problem ?

Come to that, there is no good reason why the average application
should be using fonts where it matters. If I have two 1024x768 displays,
one a 14" laptop and the other a 50" plasma display, I usually want the
text to be the same number of pixels high in them both, not the same 

If we snap to standard values there is no incentive for applications to
be fixed. Worse those that are may just add the new snap-points to a 
list, shifting but not fixing the problem.

I vote we leave the DPI alone, then programs which care can get things 
right. I'd like a CAD program to be able to tell me whether the drawing
on my screen is twice life size or one-twentieth.

Dr. Andrew C. Aitchison         Computer Officer, DPMMS, Cambridge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/~werdna

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