Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote on 2001-11-26 18:43 UTC:
> > This argues rather strongly for a decoupling of physical monitor resolution
> > from effective DPI used in calculating presentation sizes. In this world,
> > we might talk about a "logical" DPI, calculated and stored separately from
> > the physical size presented by the X server.
> dots per degree ?

milliradians (mrad).

1 mrad is the angle under which you see a 1 mm large pixel in 1 meter
distance (or 1 cm large pixel in 10 m distance, etc.). Extremely simple,
intuitive and convenient to use, especially when working with monitors
as well as projectors.

Example: I am sitting in front of a 320x240 mm large screen with
1024x768 pixels at a distance of 0.5 m -> pixel size is 0.3 mm and I can
see it under 0.6 mrad.

Anyone thinking about introducing new units of measurements on this
planet, please read ISO 31-0 first, stick strictly to it and don't even
think considering anything related to medieval US abdominations such as
inch, point, or worst of all reciprocal length.

The use of the units "point" and "dpi" makes the entire font selection
business extremely userunfriendly. *PLEASE* don't do this in new APIs!!!


Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK
Email: mkuhn at acm.org,  WWW: <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/>

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