Around 17 o'clock on Feb 26, Alexander Gelfenbain wrote:

> We don't believe implementing ST on top of Xft/fontconfig/FreeType is a good 
> idea. ST is designed to be scaler-independent. We want to be able to use a 
> variety of open-source and commercial scalers with ST, including FreeType and
> commercial scalers from Adobe, Bitstream and Agfa. 

FreeType is not a particular scaler, it is an API under which many scalers 
can operate.  It currently provides several open-source scalers for 
various formats, but also permits easy integration of new scalers as well.

Bitstream is currently working on migrating their proprietary scaler to 
work as a plugin within FreeType.  They currently plan on offering that as 
a part of their btX product line.  I've committed to them that the X 
server will use FreeType2 so that their plugin will solve font access for 
all applications under Linux based on that standard API -- the X server, 
Qt3, Gtk+ 2.0 and Mozilla will use FreeType2 as the scalable font API.

There's no reason Agfa and Adobe couldn't benefit from the common FreeType
API and provide their scalers as FreeType plugins as well.  This would 
certainly broaden the market for their scalers as applications wouldn't 
have to be customized to use their products.

We aren't ready to standardize on a text layout mechanism, so there will be
more than one such for quite a while.  I suggest that it would be
productive to work together on the underlying infrastructure so that font
configuration and customization will work across multiple layout engines.

Whether ST wants to use additional scalers is a separate issue. Fontconfig
provides a scaler-independent font configuration and customization
mechanism that ST could use while still providing access to alternate
proprietary scalers.

> We are planning to add a "local" XST mode where it would send bitmaps to
> the X Server just as Xft does. It gives a clear transition path for 
> applications since the API will not change while the implementation
> transitions from the client mode to the server mode.

Then this local XST mode could use the Render extension, providing a 
complete high-performance implemetation that would run on all XFree86 
servers.  This would eliminate the need for a new X extension.

As I say, I'm all for the widest possible research in the area of text 
layout.  I'd like more than one to be available to application developers 
on every platform so that we can all get a better understanding of the 
subtle issues involved in developing such systems.

While diversity is important at some levels, there are other levels at 
which standardization can happen today.  Let's work to fit our diverse 
ideas into a relatively standard framework so that users don't suffer from 
our development model.

> We believe ST provides a reasonable level of abstraction for font
> capabilities now and I doubt that there will be any new font formats
> designed any time soon that use a significantly different paradigm that
> would require any protocol changes. Typography is a very conservative
> industry, and investments in existing font technology are huge.

When X started, Type1 fonts were just starting to become available; the
Apple Laserwriter was introduced in 1985, the same era that X was designed.

Since that time, we've had two fundemental shifts in type systems (TrueType
and OpenType) and *no* change in core X text support. Typography may be a
conservative business, but the X protocol demonstrates even more resistance
to change.

I'd hate to lock ourselves into a new protocol and discover in a short 
time that it was as useful as the core protocol is today.

Keith Packard        XFree86 Core Team        Compaq Cambridge Research Lab

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