OK, some (belated) comments here; after thinking it over for a few
days, I'll admit to still having reservations about your 
scheme. From the least important:

  - The OS/2 language code page tags are really crufty; about
    the only reason that they are OK is that we aren't interested

    Even for these, it seems necessary to reinterpret the original
    meanings for something like a GB18030 font.

  - Limiting the set of languages for which we set FC_LANG has
    another benefit; it reduces unexpected side effects from
    setting FC_LANG.

    However, it does mean that there are needs for language-specific
    handling that aren't covered. For example, say I have two

     A) Covers western european languages
     B) Covers Hebrew + ASCII

    In a Hebrew locale, if you want matched ASCII and Hebrew
    for "Sans" you are going to have a problem, since no
    language-specific handling is done.

    Some language-specific configuration is clearly outside
    of the scope of fontconfig; for instance, bigger default
    fonts are needed for CJK. Does this mean we can ignore
    the fact that "Sans" won't be right (in this hypothetical
    example) for Hebrew?
    Can we assume that people will simply have fonts big
    enough to cover all character sets that need to be
    typographically matched? (Hebrew/ASCII is marginal.
    Latin/Greek/Cyrillic need to be coordinated.)

  - The current fontconfig CVS has a simple rule:

     Any families in the pattern explicitely are more
     important than language tags.

     Any families that come from the fonts.conf file are
     less important than language tags.

    I like the simplicity! The fontconfig machinery
    definitely is skirting the line of "too hard for users
    and most programmers to understand" already.

    I'm not sure that the effects will be what people
    expect, for example:



        The character from "Sans" if the font contains it,
        otherwise the character from SomeRandomArabicFont


        The character from SomeRandomArabicFont if the font 
        contains it, otherwise the character from "Sans".

    In fact, I think the above is incompatible with the
    intent of CSS2 matching. As another example:
      In your config file:

        <match target="pattern">
                <test qual="any" name="family">
                <edit name="family" mode="assign">


       Helvetica,Nimbus Sans L

       Get Arial


       Get Nimbus Sans L        
    The second problem is easy enough to fix by extending
    the fonts.conf syntax to allow:
                <edit name="family" mode="assign" binding="strong">
    (Probably with "strong" the default). The first problem seems
    rather intractible; I don't see how to fix it and retain
    a flat list.

One idea:

 What would ditching a flat list look like? Well, the "cheating"
 way to do it and keep FC_FAMILY a list of strings would be
 to go the magic string route

   "Arial", "Sans", Helvetica

   "Arial", "@Nimbus Sans L,Verdana,Kochi Gothic", Helvetica

 (or whatever) I doubt doing string parsing when matching would
 be a significant cost.

 The idea is that matching any element the list would be more significant
 than FC_LANG, but the position in the list would be less
 significant than matching FC_LANG.

 Implementing this would do some violence to FcCompareValueList,
 but it would be localized violence, I think.

 To support per-user aliases, I think you would need to expand
 <edit> a bit. Probably something like 
 <edit mode="group_append"><string>Kochi Gothic</string></edit>

 Which turns "Sans" into "@Sans,Kochi Gothic"

 A "non-cheating" approach of making FC_FAMILY not hold strings
 is probably a) too incompatible b) too complex, considering
 that the programmer never needs to worry about the sub-lists.

 I don't like this method much; too magic, too complex.

Another idea:

 Make groups (aliases) first class entities. Semantics are basically
 the same as the above, but fonts.conf includes:

      <family>Times New Roman</family>
      <family>Nimbus Roman No9 L</family>
      <family>Luxi Serif</family>
 This defines the group "serif" if not already present and prepends
 the given families to it. (Matching can be done with only one 
 hash table lookup per input FC_FAMILY pattern element to
 FcConfigSubstitute with a little bit of trickiness.)

 The main thing I don't like about this is that it gets confusing
 to have both <alias> which does pattern subsitution and <group>
 that defines a group. Maybe it would be possible to get rid
 of <alias><prefer> and <alias><accept> and rename 
 <alias><default> to something else?

OK, this mail is too long already; I guess the one sentence
summary is: your mechanism gives me most of the capabilities
I need but doesn't give the semantics I would expect.

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