Around 17 o'clock on Jul 12, Owen Taylor wrote:

> B) The localized name for a particular locale that should
>    be shown to the user; FT_Get_Sfnt_Name() can be used to get
>    this from a font, but it isn't exposed in fontconfig currently.
>    In the mail above, I said:

fontconfig only needs to expose an API if you need to extract the 
information before opening the font, in which case fontconfig would 
actually need to store this information in the font information files 

Carrying this architecture to it's logical conclusion, we could
tag FC_FAMILY and FC_STYLE components with their language; matching could
be done using the language provided in the pattern (or extracted from the 
locale).  Match/edit patterns in the config file could be tagged with a 
language to restrict them to a single language, or left untagged in which 
case they'd apply to any language.

Matching value and language would be "better" than matching just value for 
purposes of font selection.

I would like to point out that the font file tables are rather restricted 
in their choice of language.  The Microsoft format tables support only 67
languages.  Apple (oddly) does a bit better with a list of 150 languages.

This leaves us wondering how to display localized names for users of other 
languages.  I guess we'll assume they speak the modern lingua franca.

Keith Packard        XFree86 Core Team        HP Cambridge Research Lab

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