Around 22 o'clock on Feb 8, Mike FABIAN wrote:

> To make it possible to override as much as possible of
> the global settings  in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf with user
> preferences in ~/.fonts.conf, it seems to be better
> to put the line

The subtleties of the contents of /etc/fonts/fonts.conf appear to be lost 
here.  The placement of the include of ~/.fonts.conf is intended to 
carefully allow overriding of all of the values in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf.

In particular, because <prefer> aliases insert names directly ahead of the 
matching family, the sequence:

        <!-- in ~/.fonts.conf -->


        <!-- in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf -->

                        <family>Nimbus Sans</family>

results in the family list

        Arial,Nimbus Sans,sans-serif

As you see, in this case the users preferred font (arial) takes precedence 
over the system default.

That's the bulk of the configuration below the include of ~/.fonts.conf.

The only other rules below ~/.fonts.conf are to map PostScript families to 
TrueType "equivalents".  Perhaps those should be moved above the include,
I don't have a strong opinion.


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