Hi, Eugene

I'm currently on course in Silicon Valley, and won't be back home until Sunday.
I'll be happy to investigate this further at that time, and report back. Odds
are that Seshadri GK will also be on top of this.


Quoting Eugene Nedzvetsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello Arved,
> I have got "OutOfMemoryError" with attached file xsl_fo.xml
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Command line :
> E:\fop10>java -cp
> build\fop.jar;lib\batik.jar;lib\xalan.jar;lib\xerces.jar;lib\jimi-1.0.jar
> org.apache.fop.apps.Fop -buf mybuffer.buf -fo xsl_fo.xml -pdf x.pdf
> FOP 0.19.0-CVS
> using SAX parser org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
> building formatting object tree
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
>         <<no stack trace available>>
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> computer configuration:
> Pii-350
> 256mb memory
> Windows-2000SP2.
> jdk 1.3.1 Standard Edition.
> xsl_fo.xml generated from database.
> OutOfMemoryError appears with -buf and without.
> Best regards,
>      Eugene                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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