At 09:59 AM 8/13/01 +0200, Keiron Liddle wrote:
>On Mon, 13 Aug 2001 03:27:37 Arved Sandstrom wrote:
>> Confirmed, on all counts:
>> 1) NPE running your 'dsrb2' example, something to do with the lazy font
>> code 
>> it looks like;
>> 2) 500 K file for 17 pages with your 'emp' example. I'm not familiar with
>> fonts, so someone else is going to want to examine this;
>> 3) problems with some letters in 'emp'.
>> We advertise font support prominently on the website; I'm not going to 
>> announce FOP-0.20.0 until we have some resolution on this.
>Okay, this should be fixed now.
>The problem was due to the fonts being added to the reasources after each
>page. It is now added at the end, in stopRenderer.
>This also caused the npe that you were experiencing (I'm not sure how,
>something to do with setting characters as used)
>I'm not sure about the problem letters, I couldn't get the font file. Maybe
>someone else can check if this is still a problem.

OK, great. I will create another distro, retire 0.20.0, and put up 0.20.1,
this evening. 

(build.xml will also reflect Chetan Vig's proposed changes).


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