Ainsi parlait Karen Lease :
> I committed into CVS 26.8.2001. So it wasn't in 0.20.1 but it should
> certainly be in 0.20.2RC.
However, 0.20.2RC compilations fails with current batik 1.0 release:
paint(java.awt.Graphics2D,org.apache.batik.gvt.GraphicsNodeRenderContext) in 
org.apache.batik.gvt.AbstractGraphicsNode cannot be applied to 
    [javac]             super.paint(g2d);
I attempted to back port the patch to 0.20.1 by using the build.xml 1.42-1.43 
diff (matching given date), but that is is not enough, the third xslt process 
still fails:
     [echo] Resetting codegen directory
     [copy] Copying 35 files to 
     [echo] Generating the java files from xml resources
     [xslt] ============================
     [xslt] xslt
     [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/svgelements.xml
     [xslt] style: ./src/codegen/propmaker.xsl
     [xslt] out: ./build/src/codegen/svgproperties.xml
     [xslt] ============================
     [xslt] ============================
     [xslt] xslt
     [xslt] in: ./build/src/codegen/allprops.xml
     [xslt] style: ./build/src/codegen/genconst.xsl
     [xslt] out: ./build/src/org/apache/fop/fo/properties/
     [xslt] ============================
     [xslt] org.apache.xml.utils.WrappedRuntimeException: 
/home/guillaume/rpm/BUILD/Fop-0.20.1/foproperties.xml (Aucun fichier ou 
répertoire de ce type)
Line 9; Column -1; Can not load requested doc: 
/home/guillaume/rpm/BUILD/Fop-0.20.1/foproperties.xml (Aucun fichier ou 
répertoire de ce type)

I also check other concerned files (foproperties.xml, properties.xsl), but i 
didn't found any relevant commit. 

I think i'd better wait for batik 1.1 and fop 0.20.2 final release.
Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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