At 09:33 PM 10/24/01 -0400, Matt Savino wrote:
>Jim, I'm doing the same thing with my report. Add a different last-page id
>block at the end of each section (     <fo:block
>id="last-csr-page"></fo:block>) You'll also have to start a new
>master-page-sequence with each section and set the initial page number to 1.

I assume you mean new page-sequence. You can re-use simple-page-masters and 
page-sequence-masters all you like.

>Now if we can just figure out how to get (Continued) into a table header!
>I've been trying to come up with some clever way to change the header on the
>fly or use table-omit-header in reverse, but I'm stumped. Is this what
>marker/retrieve marker is supposed to be for by any chance? I'm playing with
>them right now. I'll let you know if I get any where. ANd what the heck are
>widows and orphans?

Widows and orphans have to do with how many minimum lines are to be kept 
together at the beginning of the first area generated by an FO ("orphans") 
or at the end of the last area generated by the FO ("widows"). Not quite the 
same concept as you might be used to in, say, Word.

Markers are for running headers and footers, where headers and footers are 
assumed to be modelled using fo:static-content. For a variety of reasons I 
see no way in which you could use them. In fact I see no solution to this 
problem using XSL 1.0; this falls into an identified set of problems which 
require formatting-time logic over and above what is currently available.

Arved Sandstrom

Fairly Senior Software Type
e-plicity (
Wireless * B2B * J2EE * XML --- Halifax, Nova Scotia

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