Not all too bad, I think - if I have understood you right.

One of the unbcertainties in most of the problematic stages of our work was
that we didn't know whether _we_ had commited an error, FOP didn't implement
some FO feature, or none of the examples we relied on was correct. A
database where to look for working examples would be of great help in these

However, you won't escape "big maintenance" so easily: Would you allow
everybody to send his/her examples uncontrolled, i.e. not really knowing
whether the stuff works or not (read: under certain circumstances works,
under others not)? Would you index the examples for easier
navigation/searching? How would outdated examples be deleted in front of
innovations of the W3C spec, or simply new programming insights by someone
contributing to the database? Santa Clause would need some helpers, he
certainly can't do it all by himself ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Bertrand Delacretaz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 8:22 AM
Subject: Re: Basic aspects (big fat list vs. live test documents)

On Thursday 13 December 2001 15:35, Matthias Fischer wrote:
> . . .
> My whish to Santa Clause this year: A big fat list containing all major
> graphic formats and the FO/FOP-related aspects that concern them.
> . . .

I'm skeptical: to me "big fat list" means "big maintenance work" and usually
"out-of-sync list".

I'd rather have many small, focused, self-documented, numbered XSL-FO
files that show what works and what doesn't in FOP (note that I haven't
looked at our test files for a while - maybe it's there already?).

Maybe a live FOP system where users can post a ZIP containing XSL:FO +
graphics files and get back the PDF?
(got to tell Santa Claus about this one ;-)

Such examples could be donated by users after they find that a particular
feature works or not, with a standard mail header ([TESTDOC] ?) that would
help committers sort out these files.

Any thoughts?

 -- Bertrand Delacrétaz,
 -- web technologies consultant - OO, Java, XML, C++

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