
I had this same problem and I resolved it by accessing this reference:


The concept I was missing was that of the viewport.  Here is what helped me:

"The height and width properties (or the writing-mode neutral equivalents, block-progression-dimension and inline-progression-dimension) define the dimensions of the viewport area. The content-height and content-width properties define the dimensions of the reference (graphic) area."

When I set the height property I successfully achieve the resize. (I am using FOP 0.20.1 running on Win2K)

<fo:external-graphic src="file:images/sc_bottle.jpg"  content-type="content-type:binary/jpeg"  height="100px" scaling="uniform"/>

The problem that remains unsolved for me is that I want to float text around the image.  I am placing the image in a column I can't precalculate the amount of text and use a table within the column since I would end up with unbalanced whitespace in the final PDF, and float is not yet implemented.  So if you have any pointers on how to achieve floating text next to the image I'd appreciate it, since I'm stuck on that.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Raimund Kammering
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 04:10
To: FOP Apache
Subject: scaling of graphics

Hi everybody,

this is my first question here in this mailing list and i hope it is not off topic:

I want to format an XML file for printing. Since the graphics in that were referenced in this file are very big
i wanted to scale them to a given percentage (let say 80%). To do this i tried:

 <fo:external-graphic src="{text()}"

but somehow this seems to have no effect on the output. I also tried giving a <length> to the content attribute but again
it seems that there is on effect.
I am using FOP 0.20.2 and Xalan version 1.3.

Have I missed something in the man pages??

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