Ralph LaChance wrote:

> At 04:06 PM 2/1/02 -0200, you wrote:
>> I will nail down the weaknesses of the XML->PDF approach:
>> 1. XSL:FO is a very complicated and messy language
>> 2. XSLT is also kinda complicated to use, at least if you have to do 
>> complicated formatting...
> Sometimes it seems folks assume that FO is synomous with "pdf",
> but for some of us, the point of using FO is not to create pdf output
> but to format and send xml data directly to a printer.   ;-)
Well, what does it take to develop an XSL-FO interpreter on a printer ? 
No need to transform to PDF or PS then.

I thought of doing it for some time, but got discouraged when an old 
Xerox guy told me that Adobe actually supplies (for free ?) their PS 
interpreter and that developing an interpeter and fine-tuning it takes a 
LOT of time.

Patrick Andries

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