> 1. XSL:FO is a very complicated and messy language
Given the power of the language, of course its complicated.  Just as
Asembler is complicated compared to basic.

> 2. XSLT is also kinda complicated to use, at least if you have to do
> complicated formatting...
So is any other kind of programming language.  The more complex the task,
the more lines of coded need to achieve the desired results.

We have reduced a huge complex XSL files down to a driver file and series of
template files.  The driver file references templates located in other XSL
template files.  These templates are then reused from document to document,
giving the applications a constant look and feel.  Our graphics designer has
taken over our FO work.  We give him the XML and tell him what the PDF
should look like and he builds the XSL file for us.  We only need to help
occasionally when the XSL requires complex programmatic logic.

I will say this. To work effectivly with XML, XST and FO, an application
should be designed around the concept.  Coming along and adding XSL:FO to an
application that does not have a standard XML definition to begin with would
be a messy task.


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