It worked just fine for me from the very start. Are you sure you have 
all the supporting jars properly sourced through the classpath? Have you 
tried running it from the latest release jar file first before doing the 


Stephen Bannasch wrote:

>I'm trying to build Fdop on macosx>  I grabbed the source from cvs this afternoon and 
>when I build it it stops right away with a SerializeHyphPattern cannot be found error.
>Help for the clueless will be appreciated.
>[bash stephen:~/apache/xml-fop]./
>Fop Build System
>Building with classpath 
>Starting Ant...
>Buildfile: build.xml
>     [echo] ------------------- Fop 1.0dev [1999-2002] ----------------
>/Users/stephen/apache/xml-fop/build.xml:273: taskdef class 
> cannot be found

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