Do you have multiple JVMs installed, or have you recently added
the release version of JDK 1.4?

I had a similar set of problems early this week. When I uninstalled
JDK 1.3, and re-installed it, I was able to get FOP building and running
again with 1.3. I had been experiencing strange errors (ClassFormatError,
wrong major/minor version, etc) for the first day or so after I installed
JDK 1.4.

This was on Windows 2000, however. I found the only "JAVA_HOME"
in the registry pointed to the 1.4 install, no matter what I set for the
environment variables in Control Panel. It seems the registry value
somehow overrides the environment. Putting "tools.jar" explicitly on
the classpath allowed Ant to start, but it always failed. The prebuilt
fop.jar would die with the class format problem.

If you have added or changed the VM settings, and 1.4 is involved,
then perhaps Mac has a system setting somewhere that the 1.4 VM
sets at install and looks for when running.

I didn't get to see the actual error until I changed to use verbose
on java. Maybe adding verbose to the build.xml will help getting to the
bottom of this issue.

A lot of ifs, I know. Hope it helps.


                    Bannasch             To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                
                    <stephen@conco       cc:                                           
          >              Subject:     Re: problem building on macosx   
                    06:04 PM                                                           
                    Please respond                                                     
                    to fop-dev                                                         

Thanks for the suggestion, but the same problem occurs.

>In an earlier mail you said you had this line in your shell profile:
>"export ANT_HOME=/Users/stephen/devtools/jakarta-ant-1.4.1"
>Maybe that is causing ant to look for tasks in that directory rather
>than in the fop lib?
>Try setting ANT_HOME to "/Users/stephen/apache/xml-fop/lib" or wherever
>the buildtools.jar is.
>Stephen Bannasch wrote:
>> >What happens if you remove hyphenation from this line
>> >
>> ><target name="package" depends="compile,hyphenation">
>> >
>> >in build.xml?
>> same error:
>> init:
>>      [echo] ------------------- Fop 0.20.3 [1999-2002] ----------------
>> /Users/stephen/apache/xml-fop/build.xml:272: taskdef class cannot be found
>> If I comment out line 272:
>> <!-- <taskdef name="serHyph" classname
=""/>  -->
>>      <taskdef name="xslt" classname
>> then it dies on the next <taskdef> on line 273
>> --
>> -s

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