On 2002.03.19 14:45 Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> I would consider the possibility (configurable) of having FOP make just
> sensible assumptions to continue processing and sacrifice some things it
> should do later.

That sounds very vague.
So what will you do if someone has a table of contents as the second page. 
Will you pass across a whole lot of <to be resolved things> for the page 
numbers to the renderer, so the renderer needs to do the resolving from 
some further information. Will the renderer go until it reaches a <to be 
resolved thing> then need to do some awkward processing of all the 
following pages.
It all sounds like an extra level of complexity that we really don't need. 
Rather than helping us it will simply make things more difficult.

> > - embedded xml will need to be parsed twice and saxified
> Why twice?

May need to read it to get the width and height and do some pre-processing 
with a DOM.

> ATM, I don't have a clear list of all the things that need to be held
> back
> before resolution.
> Is there a list somewhere?
> It would be of great help for me.

Page references.
Internal links.
Retrieve Markers?

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