From: "Keiron Liddle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 2002.03.19 16:47 Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> > So we absolutely need to stop output and cache events if there is a
> > forward
> > reference.
> > If we find it at the end, all the pages must remain in memory, and now I
> > see
> > that this can make FOP behave no better than it does now.
> Thats not true. We can do better and the current development is developing
> towards a way that will do better.
> The key is that there is a definite API between the Area Tree and the
> Renderers. This means that we can prepare a page and later render its
> contents. All following pages can be rendered if they are finished. The
> forward reference resolution can be done in the area tree with the help of
> the layout managers and then the completed page can be rendered (depends
> if the renderer supports out of order which pdf does). If the memory gets
> low then a page can be stored to disk and retrieved when forward
> references are resolved.

Ah, so it's done with pages.
But with some renderers pages could not be defined (as the spec allows),
like in HTML rendering.

Anyway, I didn't come up with this possibility, since I don't usually deal
with them, but it's a really neat solution to the problem, but still useless
if every page has forward references.

> Without needing to handle this on two sides of
> the fence it is more straight forward and flexible.

Two sides of the fence?
Never thought so.

Ok, so I see that there is agreement on the fact that using SAX events as
intermediate steps of the FOP processing pipeline is not the best solution

I will focus now on implementing Avalon stuff in FOP, starting from
Configuration (non static) and URI resolving (for images).

Thank you all for the wonderful feedback on my Random Thoughts :-)

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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