> I have to generate PDF letters files. To do that I have decided to use 
> FOP files as letter templates supplying
> variables(name, address...) via XML. It is going to be a batch job, 
> running "main" method developing
> with Visual Age, WebSphere 3.5. Is anyone has examples?
> Most importantly, I have no idea what libraries to download, where to 
> install and how to configure.

You are asking for something big. Moreover, i can't
quite figure out what your actual requirements are.

The easiest way seems to be to contact your friendly
IBM support.
Other than that it would be useful to know:
1. How much experience do you have in running WebSphere
  and deploying code for WebSphere?
2. How much experience do you have in Java programming
  in general and in servlet/JSP stuff in particular?
3. How extensive have you already dealt with XML stuff?
4. How much experience do you have in developing
5. How much experience do you have in running FOP?
6. What do you mean by "batch job"? Conventionally
  this is not used in assiciation with a web application


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