
i have some questions about the status of the development of the logging

First of all some information about the jars i have in classpath

1 fop.jar from version fop-0.20.3
2 avalon-framework-4.1.2.jar from version Avalon-4.1.2
3 logkit.jar from version LogKit-1.0.1

I am a little bit cunfused about the using of the use of Loggin classes

I downloaded the current source code(fop-0.20.3-src.tar.gz )and found out
that its definitivly a fact that the Driver class only accepts an
org.apache.log.Logger class from LOGKIT as a input parameter

On the hompeage of FOP http://xml.apache.org/fop/embedding.html is written :

"FOP uses Jakarta Avalon's Logger interface
to do logging. See the
Jakarta Avalon project for more information.",
but org.apache.log.Logger class from LOGKIT is NOT compatible with the
org.apache.avalon.framework.logger class from AVALON

So my conclusion is that FOP uses LOGKIT and not AVALON 

Another issue is that the documentation for logkit is not up to date ot not
full documented
http://jakarta.apache.org/avalon/logkit/api/index.html show no constructor
details but when u download the current source version of logkit and if u take
a look in the file Logger.java u will see that Logger has no default
constructor , just a parametrized on 

  Logger( final ErrorHandler errorHandler, 
            final String category, 
            final LogTarget[] logTargets, 
            final Logger parent )

It seems to be intended to make use of the Logger classes from the AVALON
project in FOP(which is in my opinion the right way to do this logging stuff)
,but its not implemented yet.Pls correct me if i am wrong.

What is the status of this development ? Can i use the AVALON Logger classes
in FOP in the next time ?

Thx a lot , 


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