On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 17:37, Peter B. West wrote:
> May I make so bold as to intrude on what is clearly a private 
> conversation?  Comments below.

Shhh.. don't let anyone know :)

> I don't want these things now.  But neither do I want A solution that 
> places severe limitations on the possibility of development in the area 
> of layout refinement.  We have A solution that does that.  The only way 
> to achieve that is to think about these issues now, and try to come up 
> with software models that leave possibilities open, rather than closing 
> them off.

This is the most important thing. When I said I want A solution I did
mean one that is going in the right direction.
If all we can do is keep talking about all the various problems then we
will never get anywhere. I am past the thinking stage and want the basis
of an implementation so that the problems can be tackled from a

> Not drowning, waving.
I'm having trouble remembering any songs.


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