On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 21:30, Patrick Dean Rusk wrote:
>       I've been following this list for a few weeks now, but I'm still unclear as
> to the current status of the re-design efforts.  The FOP Web site's "status"
> page hasn't been updated since June, apparently, when the estimate of being
> 35% done was issued.

It's difficult to estimate but it might be around 50% at the moment.

>       Anyone want to take a stab at saying where things stand now.  Is NewFOP
> able to generate any PDF files?  Is there a set of formatting objects and
> properties that are known to work/sort of work/not work?

How about the site being updated with forrest using cvs FOP to create
the PDF files. Then you can see what it does.

Don't really have a list of things yet, but the idea is to have examples
that are generated and you can see if it works or not.

>       Thank you.
> Patrick Rusk
> P.S.  Last night I was up at 3:30 AM EST (US) when FOP emails started flying
> back and forth.  I thought, "Wow! These guys are really commiteed to all be
> working this late."  Until I realized most of you are from Europe or
> Australia.

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