Victor Mote wrote:
Also, if you want to clean up the files in the repository, I understand that
running "cvs admin -kkv FILE" will do so. This will tell cvs to treat the
files as text files instead of binary, which is apparently the root of the
problem. (I know, -k is for keywords, but cvs has keywords conversions &
line-ending conversions in the same space). Make sure you're backed up & do
some testing to make sure you got what you want.
AFAIK, CVS (how's that for the start of a sentence?) treats files as text unless '-kb' is in operation. '-kb' is '-ko' (leave keywords as they were in the original checkin of the file) plus binary file I/O. I've noticed in this repository that CVS seems to get '-kb' right on, e.g., PNG files that I have added and on which I have forgotten to specify '-kb'. I suspect that the guardians of the Apache repository have done some work here.

I just had a look. /home/cvs/CVSROOT/cvswrappers contains the following:

*.gif -k 'b'
*.psd -k 'b'
*.jpg -k 'b'
*.jpeg -k 'b'
*.png -k 'b'
*.psd -k 'b'
*.eps -k 'b'
*.ai -k 'b'
*.jar -k 'b'
*.war -k 'b'
*.class -k 'b'
*.zip -k 'b'
*.ser -k 'b'
*.pdf -k 'b'
*.ico -k 'b'
*.ucs2 -k 'b'
*.ucs4 -k 'b'

'-kkv' is the default keyword expansion form, and is contra-indicated on binary files, while '-kb' is contra-indicated on text files, on which you definitely want expansion.

These values, incidentally, come from RCS, and can be read about with 'man co'.

Unless something has changed recently, CRLF will happily go into the repository. A couple of months back (so it seems) I had occasion to strip CRs out of a file which had been committed late one night from a Windows system.

"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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