Rhett Aultman wrote:
> Guys,
> I finally got myself out from under my grad school apps long
> enough to employ a patch that helps nerf certain kinds of
> infinite loops in the maintenance branch of FOP.
> I'd like to see it go into the final release of the maintenance


> Is the Thanksgiving deadline for patches and whatnot strictly
> in effect? If so, I'll see about hauling buns to get this together.

Huh? Never heard of a Thanksgiving deadline.
I don't even know when Thanksgiving is .. asking Google .. ah
it's on the fourth Thursday in November (i.e. tomorrow).

My plan was to apply one last small patch later today and
then ask for a freeze.
As much as I would like to finish this release the patch
should IMHO make it into this last maintenance release.
Other opinions?


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